Hair and Nail Care for Everyone


What is Texture Supremacy and How Do We Fight It?

Texture supremacy, as we like to call it, is rooted in colonialism and white supremacy. It is the belief that certain hair textures are to be more celebrated than others. Mainstream media does a great job of this by featuring looser, well defined curls. Additionally, specific wording is used to make individuals with tighter, less defined textures internalize feelings of dislike for their natural hair and covet looser textures. Words like unruly, unmanageable, dry, kinky, and even the more “scientific” term low porosity have all developed negative connotations. The result, and unfair marketing tactic to play into generations of segregation and institutionalized racism.

What can we do about this? Great question. Your course of action depends on your unique position of influence. If you are a consumer, be aware of the type of content you consume. Is the content self affirming and does it celebrate you as you are? The imagery we see most often is what we begin to believe. If it makes you feel inadequate, let it go. If you are a business owner, you have the power to help normalize all types of beauty. Make sure you are using diverse images in your marketing that reflects the population you serve. Beauty professionals, it is your responsibility to learn to care for all hair textures. Diversity is more than the color of the person’s skin but also variation in textures.

Awareness is key and our subconscious mind many times dictates our behaviors. Normalize all varieties of beauty.

Melissa Taylor